My name is Ben, but you may know me better as the Bearded Fool. At least that is what my wife calls me. Of course when I was told the Seventy 48 was a foolish race, I immediately signed up. Who is more foolish, me for signing up or the people processing race applications that saw my entry and thought, “Overweight bearded man. Out of shape. Minimal rowing experience. We gotta have him!” (I am heavily paraphrasing of course, I am sure they are fine people….)
What the Heck is a Seventy 48???
The Seventy 48 is a 70 mile race with a 48 hour time limit.
Rules are simple: no motors, no support, and no wind. That’s right.
HUMAN POWER ONLY. Pedal, paddle, or row. We don’t care. It’s up to you.
The Race starts on May 31, 2024 at 1900. (Thats right, 7 PM!)
The course is from Foss Harbor in Tacoma to Port Townsend.
My Speed Boat (Nope!)
For such a grueling race I obviously picked the slowest, most foolish boat to participate in, duh.
My weapon of choice is the venerable Minto dinghy.
50 years ago the Minto was all the rage in the cruising world. A great little boat for getting from the mother ship into the bar on shore a few hundred feet away. I doubt her designer ever envisioned using this dinky little boat over such a course and the conditions afforded it.
Boat Specs
First built: 1960
Length: 9 feet
Beam (width): 4.25 feet
Draft (depth): 1.50 feet
Weight: (not polite to ask!)

Follow the Race…
Each boat will be equiped with a GPS tracker. As the race gets closer, more details will be provided. If I feel like it, I will post it all here, till then, do it yourself on the official race site.
Official “Follow the Race” page on Seventy 48’s website
Media Inquiries,
Well Wishers,
and Medical Advice
Got something to say? Wanna hear more foolish talk? Fine, it’s your life. Waste is as best you see fit.
See you fools out there…